Thursday, March 22, 2012

Back to Blogging..

(Sidney and half sister, Stark!)

Wow! I took a very long time off from blogging about my red girl! Where to start!? Sidney is now "Seidlers Sidney Roo CDX"..She got her AKC Open title in October and we have been slowly working toward being able to compete in "Utility". <p>

(Claudi and Sidney)

Sidney turned 4 in November, and although she is eager-as-ever to learn and please me, she has gotten soo grey in the muzzle-it makes me so sad! She had an appointment with a chiropractor last month and it's been amazing how much better she's felt since one adjustment!! I am still very careful when jumping her and am keeping up on her visits to Rubi-the most amazing massage therapist!<p>

In the past few months Sidney has been doing alot of training, swimming at the pool, vacationing at the mountain and playing with all of the dogs I bring home! In January, her dog-dad passed away suddenly. We were all very sad as he was a simply amazing, gorgeous, smart boy who gave me one of the smartest dog's I've ever met.. Jake had sired a litter prior to his passing-6 gorgeous yellow labs-somehow I talked myself out of getting another one..My heart is set on another red lab sometime soon though! <p>
Sidneys Mom and Dad (RIP)

Sidney is going to a "fun match" this weekend..It will only be her 2nd time in the ring doing utility exercises. The exercises in utilitity (very briefly explained):

1-Signal exercises (heeling off leash, stopping in a stand-handler walks away and then the dog must down, sit, come all by hand signals.

2 & 3-Scent discrimination--multiple dumbbells are set out with the handler having "scented" one dumbbell--Sidney has to pick the correct one and bring it back!

4-Directed Retrieve--3 white gloves are set out in the ring, the handler points to the glove the judge calls out and Sidney has to go retrieve the glove and bring it back!

5-Moving stand/exam-off leash heeling is halted and Sidney is told to stand, stay--handler walks away and the judge will "examine" Sidney and then she must come to a heel position.

6-Directed jumping--Sidney will be told to "go out" (ie: run out to the other side of the ring, turn around and sit) the judge will then say which jump to send the dog over and Sidney must go over a jump by looking for a hand signal.

Sidney's been doing great at off leash heeling, signals, stand/exam..We have some work to do on articles and directed jumping, but part of the fun is watching her learn!