I had no idea at the time that she would go above and beyond filling the space in my heart that was broken when I handed over my 1st guide dog puppy to her forever person. Sidney is that once in a lifetime dog that has taught me so much and although spoiled ROTTEN, she will never get as much from me as she has given me.
She has given me a few heart-stopping moments along our journey (christmas spent in the ER, visits to the neuro vet etc...), but she has also made me super proud by being a super fast learner who absolutely loves nothing more in her life than to "train" and be learning new tricks or obedience commands, well, that and getting CHEESE from anyone who will oblige!
She has her CDX obedience title and RA Rally title currently and will be working toward her Pre-Utility title next month at the Rose City Dog shows and eventually we will get the last leg of her Rally Excellent title..She is capable of trying out Utility, but since her vets advised no jumping due to her disc issue in her back, we will settle for Pre-Utility because the jumps are 12"! That's nothing for the jumping bean named Sidney!
Over the past year Sid has become REALLgrey in the muzzle-she looks like her "momma Jewel" more and more every year. It makes me really sad, but she is still perfect and full of energy!
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